

B-logica provides training for all its applications with trainers who are experienced company executives with many years of experience.

B-logica provides training for all its applications as well as for the basic functions of Windows and Microsoft Word. The trainers are experienced executives of the company with many years of experience in using the applications.

Free training

With the initial purchase, B-logica can offer, depending on each application, one or more hours of free training at its offices in Athens. Specifically: With the purchase of B-maps or eΠανδέκτης, it offers one hour of free training while with the purchase of B-symbolaio, 2 hours of free training.

The free training can take place at any time you wish within one year from the date of purchase of the application(s).

Time and Place

The trainings take place by appointment either at the company’s offices or at the client’s offices (Prefecture of Attica) during working hours and days (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday) except official holidays.

Remote training

Team ViewerΤhe company offers the possibility of remote training, via the Internet, using the Teamviewer application. Remote trainings take place by appointment, on the same days and hours as classic trainings. The cost of remote training is the same as classic training at our company’s offices.


The cost of training may depend on the type of training, the total number of hours, the total number of people attending it at the same time, the time and place. For more information please contact the Sales Department (210-34.22.290).

Help beyond education

All programs of the company have a detailed user manual in electronic form in which you can search and find easily and quickly the information you want. Also, on the corresponding pages of the site, you can read various “smart” tips on using applications that will greatly facilitate you in certain tasks. Combining the above with one or more trainings on the application you are using, you will save many hours of work.